Holding a Mock Jury on Zoom
The next mock jury is scheduled for Tuesday April 15th, 2025 Read More…>>
March 2, 2022
The next mock jury is scheduled for Tuesday April 15th, 2025 Read More…>>
June 27, 2013
Contrary to what you might think or have heard, it’s not that easy to get into an art show. One of the first things I learned that helped me get into the better shows with my own photography was the importance of having Read More…>>
August 14, 2012
Despite what we artists see in our profiles when enlarging the images, the jurors see it differently. And actually the jurors see it almost exactly like they’ve seen it before except for one difference. That being the enlarged size of the images are now 750 long dimension instead of 700 long dimension. They see our […] Read More…>>
August 8, 2012
Someone has been making really bad decisions about our jury images, the only thing we have between an application and an acceptance. Non squared horizontals are appearing almost twice the size as squared and non squared verticals or squared horizontals. Read More…>>
August 5, 2012
As artists, our jury images are the most important asset we have in being able to get into art shows. Don’t ever forget it, and make sure the shows and application systems treat your images with respect. Read More…>>
August 18, 2012
With the recent upgrade, ZAPP increased the enlarged image size that monitor jurors see from 700 to 750 pixels. My first response was it was too large for some monitors and some jurors wouldn’t be able to see the entire image. It appears I was correct. Read More…>>
August 10, 2012
This is about squaring your images with black borders. I recommend adding black borders to square the images, because if you don’t, ZAPP will do it for you when you apply to any of the shows that project the images – the top shows. Read More…>>
August 6, 2012
Prior to the ZAPP system upgrade, image file names could be used to identify images and to figure out which version of duplicate images was the newest. Images were numbered consecutively as they were uploaded so newer images had higher file name numbers. the ZAPP image identification number How to find your ZAPP image identification […] Read More…>>