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  • 412-401-8100
    CHESWICK, PA 15024

  • March 2, 2022

    Holding a Mock Jury on Zoom

    The next mock jury is scheduled for Tuesday September 3rd.
    I’m holding a mock jury on Zoom. A mock jury is a jury image presentation evaluation where you submit your images as if you were applying to an art show and have them critiqued.

    You can read the entry instructions on this web page and see how the images are going to be presented. I’m available to help you put your presentation together if needed. Call me with any questions at 412-401-8100.

    Images can be sent by either e-mail or Dropbox shared to my e-mail address Larry@bermanart.com. They must be named in the order they are to be viewed with a number (1 through 5 with 5 being the booth), your first and last name as part of the file name. Do not just drop the 5 images into an e-mail and expect them to remain in the order you put them in because when I take images from an e-mail they automatically sort by alphabetical order with numbers before letters. If you’re having a difficult time organizing your jury images (like on a phone or tablet) please give me a call. 412-401-8100. I’ll organize them for you if you send them in one at a time by e-mail with the image number and your name in the subject of the e-mail.

    If you don’t have a booth picture you can submit an additional art image as number 5. It will be shown below and to the right where the booth image is located in the template. The images can be any size larger than the size I need for the template which is 400×400 pixels for the art images and 500×500 pixels for the booth image. You can take your images from ZAPP if you enlarge them before saving them. Do not send me the ZAPP thumbnails, they are too small. If your images need to be edited by me, call me (412-401-8100) before sending me the images to work out what you need me to do.

    A short artist statement of materials and technique should be included and it will show during the image viewing. That artist statement needs to be as editable text, either in the body of the e-mail or as a separate text file so it can be copied and pasted into the image template, not as a screen capture. Your name will not show in the jury template, only your application number which I will assign upon receiving your submission. I will e-mail you back your presentation. Please include your name, e-mail address and phone number at the top of the artist statement so I can call your if there’s a problem.

    I charge $25 for the jury submission. It’s going to take a great deal of time to organize this. The jurors have been Camille Marchese, Sharon McAllister, Bonnie Blandford and Barry Bernstein, all experienced with doing or running high end art shows or getting into high end shows. You can pay through PayPal to my e-mail address, call me with a credit card number or send a check. If you mail a check, please let me know when you upload the images.

    Though you can watch while it’s happening on Zoom, I’ll record the jury and upload it to YouTube so you don’t have to be available while it’s happening.
    All the mock juries, as well as my weekly zoom meetings with artists are available to watch on my You Tube channel.

    Larry Berman
    e-mail – Larry@bermanart.com
    3872 Saxonburg Blvd. Cheswick, PA 15024

    © Larry Berman