Digital Jury Resources |
click here for a detailed list of my services
Zapped and Happy
Hi Larry, I just finished modifying each image and submitted my ZAPP
for Crafts Boston. Will complete the ZAPP for ACC Baltimore in the
next few days. Your work looked perfect and made my tasks a snap!
Thanks for the excellent and prompt service.
Best wishes,
Rhonda Heisler
Mosaic Mountain Arts |
Please call to make arrangements
prior to sending your slides or digital files
412-401-8100 |
Read what the artists say
about my slide scanning, image prep and customer service |
Nothing is as important as the images you
submit for jurying, whether it be 35mm slides or carefully prepared
digital files. I can provide you with the highest quality color corrected images at the
specified file size and resolution that each different jury process
requires. I can prepare your digital jury images for ZAPP™, Juried Art
Services (Smithsonian Craft Show), 35mm slides from the digital files,
Paradise City and any other digital jury system that comes along. |
Digital jury image pricing |
What to send
35mm slides - preferably originals, but I can also work from dupes.
Digital camera files - please send me the original digital camera
files as they came from the camera. If you've had someone else
work on them you can send me those also, but I need the originals to do my
best work. A lot of artists have asked me to correct mistakes other
"professionals" have made in their images when shooting digitally. |
Submission requirements
35mm slides need to be labeled as to top and front so there's no question
about the orientation of the digital file when I'm finished. Digital
camera files should have been captured at full resolution that the camera
is capable of. Maximum quality JPEG is fine. Send
the original files on CD or e-mail them to me or use my
image upload form. If you're e-mailing them,
add your name to the file name so I know whose images they
are in my e-mail attachment folder. |
How to set your
digital camera for the best digital jury images |
If you're in the (western Pennsylvania)
area, you're welcome to come to my studio and watch me prepare your images
or photograph your artwork. |
Please call if you have any questions
412-401-8100 |
Digital Jury Resources |
Hire me
to Prepare your Digital Jury Images |