Art Fair SourceBook web site offers a virtual jury of your
artwork. For a minimal cost (this one was $79) you can have your artwork
evaluated by experienced jurors. For 3D artists who are interested in the
feedback needed to improve your work, I recommend
Bruce Baker as
the juror. He provided the evaluation on this page. The evaluation took
just under an hour in a phone conversation. The artist is a ceramicist, and for the purposes of this
article, the actual images of the
artwork are not necessary for you to understand the type of evaluation you
would receive for your work. |
Do not get this confused with the
free image
evaluations I offer, which are only evaluations of the images, not
your art. |
Here are the results from your AFSB Virtual Jury process.
Thanks for choosing me as your Virtual Juror. It is a
privilege to be called upon to do this work. I do have many observations
that I think will help you, we discussed these in our talk. Controlled
pallet, variety of shapes and forms. Each of the pieces has to hit the
level of your best slide. |
Your best image is your 1st image - Juror's rating
and response: 3 out of 4 (Very good). "This is your best image. It is the
one that commands attention as a thumbnail. It makes me want to open it up
and see it bigger. It is alone however in its impact. The other images
look weak in comparison to this one. MORE of this with different forms
would be a good way for you to go. " |
2nd best image - Juror's rating and response: 2
out of 4 (Inadequate). "The center of this piece is working for you. It
has a great texture and would make most jurors take a closer look, The
boarder looks a bit commercial could use some more work of the human hand.
" |
3rd best image - Juror's rating and response: 2
out of 4 (Inadequate). "I like the style of this piece. It has a couple of
triggers that might work against you however. The edge looks like it might
be thin and therefore fragile which could set off bells and whistles for a
gallery owner who are often on juries. the other is the leaf. Customers
love leaves, juries do not like anything that is considered trite. Look
for innovative images for your decoration and I would go full out on
decorating some of these pieces. Remember you can have more than one slide
set, which we did not discuss. Having several slide sets with different
styles that you send to different shows is a good way to go." |
4th best image - Juror's rating and response: 2
out of 4 (Inadequate). "I love the frame of this tray but I find the blue
glaze too primary and it doesn't have the subtlety of your other pieces
therefore it stands out and distracts from the slides above. " |
5th best image - Juror's rating and response: 2
out of 4 (Inadequate). "This one just looks too commercial. You can
get by with maybe two trays of the same shape in a slide set but no more.
You need more variety of form to wake the jury up and get them to notice." |
booth image - Juror's rating and response: 2 out
of 4 (Inadequate). "You booth shot is not too bad as far as booths go. I
would do everything possible to down play the ladder effect by covering
some of it up. I would recommend painting the display and this will go a
long way to help you to get your work to pop. Multiple levels in the
display would help draw customers in as well as large photos in the back.
A floor covering would also be a good addition. " |