Nikon D70 Infrared Test Page |
[ D70
10.5mm FISHEYE ] |
It appears that the D70 has good
infrared capabilities. The before picture was taken with the
CoolPix 8700 and the subsequent infrared pictures taken with the D70. |
kit 18-70 zoom lens has a 67mm filter size. I picked up a 67-72
adapter to use all my existing 72mm filters. The infrared photos were
taken with an 88A filter. Exposure was set
on Manual and the LCD was used to verify the integrity of the
exposure. I did bracket manually in shutter speed and chose the images
with detail in the highlights. |
Photoshop CS with RAW plugin, Auto
Levels, Desaturate
and Curves |

18mm lens setting 1/10 second f5.6
The problem with using a DSLR for
infrared is that the LCD doesn't become active until after the picture
is taken. That means the camera has to be mounted on a tripod and the
composition arranged before the infrared filter is screwed onto the
lens. I picked up the 10.5mm fisheye and will be experimenting with it
to shoot infrared. There is a rear gel filter slot in the lens. That
means it will be a hassle to set up the composition, take the lens off
to insert the gel filter and remount the lens again. I'll also need
back up gel filters as the constant handling might damage it.
Additionally, since the best time to shoot infrared is during strong
sunlight, the image on the LCD is difficult to see, hence the need for
an LCD hood, like the
Xtend-A-View. |
Infrared filters (88A, 89B or 87) can
be purchased from
Harrison and Harrison
1835 Thunderbolt Drive, Unit E Porterville, CA 93257
559-782-0121 |
[ D70
10.5mm FISHEYE ] |

18mm lens setting 1/8 second f3.5