Collaborating on the Booth Image
How much work goes into creating a good booth image. Some artists take a picture of their booth set up at an art show, sometimes with a cell phone camera, hoping it comes out good enough to use. For other artists it involves setting up the booth at home for the picture, and be willing to keep making changes until it comes out just right.
If you want to work with me to improve your display picture, give me a call at 412-401-8100 to get started. Let me know when you can set up your booth and I’ll make myself available to receive the first picture and discuss it with you.

I’ve worked with a great many artists walking them through setting up and taking pictures of their booth. They e-mail me the first picture and we discuss what needs to be done to improve it. Sometimes it’s changing the camera position by moving the tripod. Sometimes it’s changing the way the items in the booth are positioned, making sure they don’t overlap if possible and they all face the camera. And sometimes it’s waiting for the light to improve.
Sometimes the process is repeated two or three times, and sometimes it can take a day or so to get it just right, or at least close enough that I can make the image work well for jurying.
The examples in this article are just a few of many where I’ve walked the artist through photographing their own booth and having them end up with a really clean jury image.
The booth image section on the web site which includes a page of tips on how to take your own booth picture.
If you want to work with me to improve your display picture, give me a call at 412-401-8100 to get started. Let me know when you can set up your booth and I’ll make myself available to receive the first picture and discuss it with you.